Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a CPP! (Certified Professional Photographer)

I'm so excited to share the big news with you all that I felt some shots of a real superhero would help illustrate how I feel! 

I am very proud to announce that I just earned my Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) designation from the Professional Photographic Certification Commission!  Yippee!

What does this mean?  Well, in a nutshell, I had to meet very rigorous requirements measuring my artistic and technical competence within the photography industry.  Yes....I had to pass a written exam AND an image review which required both compulsory lighting images as well as images from my client work.  It was a long process with crazy obstacles, but I did it!  Finally, because the Professional Photographic Certification Commission currently recognizes less than 2,000 Certified Professional Photographers.....I am JUMPING FOR JOY!

A huge thank you to all for being my SUPERHEROS and giving me lots of support!  With this new superpower that I have.....I promise to continue on this wonderful journey of capturing you and your loved ones!  In other words......I can't wait to keep taking photos!

Stay tuned for more great things coming from Fresh!  

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! Maybe by this time next year I'll be able to say the same. :)
